Literature Relevant to Various Lineages

The selections below are intended as starting points for research on a lineage. Keep the following caveats in mind:

  • Literature included is primarily literature known to the Project Director that either analyzes the influence of agreements in the lineage (i.e., investigates "regime effectiveness") or provides useful background.
  • The literature referenced here is QUITE limited. I hope to include literature for more lineages over time and welcome suggestions. This is NOT intended as a comprehensive database of literature but simply as 5 to 10 places to start research.
  • Inclusion of articles in this database are not intended as endorsements of the views or arguments of the authors.
  • Know of literature that is not listed? Please suggest it.
Lineage Full Citation
Pacific Salmon Treaty

Blumm, Michael C. 2002. Sacrificing the salmon: a legal and policy history of the decline of Columbia Basin salmon. New York: Book World Publications.

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Brown, Karol De Zwager. 1999. "Truce in the salmon war: alternatives for the Pacific Salmon Treaty Symposium on salmon recovery." Washington Law Review 74 (3):605-96.

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Horner, Charles R. 1998. "Habitat Preservation And Restoration Under the Pacific Salmon Treaty." Ocean Development & International Law 29 (1):43.

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Huppert, Daniel. 1995. Why the Pacific Salmon Treaty failed to end the salmon wars. Seattle: University of Washington School of Marine Affairs.

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Jensen, Thomas C. 1986. "The United States-Canada Pacific Salmon Interception Treaty: An Historical and Legal Overview." Environmental Law 16:365-422.

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Knapp, Gunnar, Cathy A. Roheim, and James L. Anderson. 2007a. "Effect of farmed salmon on wild salmon prices." In The great salmon run: competition between wild and farmed salmon, ed. TRAFFIC. Washington, DC: TRAFFIC.

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Knapp, Gunnar, Cathy A. Roheim, and James L. Anderson. 2007b. The Pacific Salmon Treaty: A Historical Analysis and Prescription for the Future: TRAFFIC North America, World Wildlife Fund.

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Knapp, Gunnar. 2011. "Trends in Alaska Salmon Harvests, Ex-Vessel Prices, and Ex-Vessel Value, 1980-2011 (Powerpoint Presentation)." Anchorage, AK: University of Alaska Department of Economics.

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Knight, Sunny. 2002. "Salmon recovery and the Pacific Salmon Treaty." Ecology Law Quarterly 27 (3):885-908.

Pacific Salmon Treaty

McRae, Donald. 2001. "The Negotiation of the 1999 Pacific Salmon Agreement." Canada-United States Law Journal 27.

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Miles, Edward L. 2002a. "The management of high seas salmon in the north Pacific, 1952-1992." In Environmental regime effectiveness: confronting theory with evidence, ed. E. L. Miles, A. Underdal, S. Andresen, J. Wettestad, J. B. Skjærseth and E. M. Carlin. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.249-68.

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Miller, Kathleen. 2000. "Pacific salmon fisheries: climate, information, and adaptation in a conflict-ridden context." Climate Change 45:637-61.

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Miller, Kathleen. 2001. "Salmon stock variability and the political economy of the Pacific Salmon Treaty." Contemporary Economic Policy 14:112-29.

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Noakes, Donald J., Liping Fang, Keith W. Hipel, and D. Marc Kilgour. 2005. "The Pacific Salmon Treaty: a century of debate and an uncertain future." Group Decision and Negotiation 14:501-22.

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Ruckelshaus, M., P. Levin, J. Johnson, P. Kareiva, and Et al. 2002. "The Pacific Salmon wars: what science brings to the challenge of recovering species." Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 33:665-706.

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Shepard, M. P., and A. W. Argue. 2005. The 1985 Pacific Salmon Treaty: sharing conservation burdens and benefits. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press.

Pacific Salmon Treaty

Williams, Austin. 2007. "The Pacific Salmon Treaty: a historical analysis and prescription for the future." Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation 22 (1):155-95.